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How to avoid getting your phone hacked

By | Droid, iPhone, news | No Comments

We already knew that hackers targeted us on our desktops, but, in the aftermath of the News of the World phone-hacking scandal, we’ve entered a new frontier in hackery.

However, there is good news: Because today’s smartphones so closely resemble computers, a lot of the best practices for the desktop apply to your Android or iPhone. Here are five easy ways to keep your mobile data safe and secure.

1. Set a password.
Take out your phone. Swipe to unlock it. If that’s all it takes to get in, you’re at risk. Sure, it’s quicker to skip the passcode, but setting a lock on your phone is an easy way to protect your device—and your data—from prying eyes. It’s also an easy compromise: Entering a passcode takes precisely two seconds, and those extra seconds will protect you in case of a barstool incident. The next step, of course, is to ratchet up password security throughout your phone. If an application that accesses sensitive data requires a password, entering it manually gives you one more firewall between your mobile identity and everyone else.

2. Make it strong.
We’ve covered a number of ways you can get the most out of your desktop passwords; the same basic rules apply on your phone. Avoid words you can find in the dictionary and try not to use numbers or letters in the order they appear on your keyboard (e.g. “12345” or “qwerty”). If it’s personal, it’s not powerful: Don’t use friend, relative, or pet names, dates of import (birthday or anniversary), or cities or sports teams. If you have a riff on any of the following terms, change it now: “god,” “money,” “love,” “monkey,” “letmein,” or “password.” Lingering doubts? Check the strength of your password.

When it comes to the four-digit passcode in particular, here’s a counterintuitive tip: Repeat one of the numbers. Because there will only be tap prints on three buttons, your security is (much) improved because a hacker would have to either guess the non-existent fourth number or locate the three independent numbers and pursue them in all their possible permutations. For the game theory behind the tip, check out Mind Your Decisions.

3. Change it regularly.
As with fashion, there’s a password for every season. A good rule of thumb is to change your passwords every time you buy a new pair of socks. Be sure to diversify your passwords, also: You have different accounts, so why not different passwords? This way if one account gets hacked, the rest stay secure.

4. Require a voicemail PIN.
If there’s one thing that’s clear from the News of the World hack, it’s that potential intruders still care about voicemail. While mobile operators may not authenticate caller ID, changing your phone settings to require a PIN when checking your voicemail will put a barrier between you and a Caller ID Spoofer.

5. Stay current.
In the case of both the iPhone tracking and DroidDream nightmares, mobile OS vulnerabilities were discovered and exploited. In the aftermath, however, both Apple and Google released patches through OS updates that plugged the holes. Protecting yourself is as easy as staying current. Sometimes this is easier said than done: Because manufacturers skin Android devices, not all updates roll out concurrently; however, once you do receive an upgrade notification, install it immediately—in addition to new features, you’ll ensure security. And now that iOS will support over-the-air updates, iPhone customers have no excuse to shirk OS updates.

How to Protect Your Dropbox Data

By | news | No Comments

Mistakes happen–Dropbox learned this the hard way when it accidentally left some user accounts open to the public for about four hours on Tuesday.

This is obviously an inexcusable error, especially for a service that stores users’ documents and files on the Internet, but you needn’t swear off cloud storage in general–or even Dropbox in particular–because of this regrettable mistake.

Instead, take security into your own hands with these tips to protect your own data on Dropbox.

Password Hygiene

While it’s unlikely that Dropbox will make the same mistake twice, someone could eventually get a hold of your Dropbox password through other means–for example, through all the hacking we’ve seen recently on other Websites. If you use the same password in a lot of places, your files could be at risk if any one of those sites is compromised. You may want to use a separate password for Dropbox–or, at least, a stronger one than you use for, say, the PlayStation Network. Also, try to avoid using a password that anyone can guess.

Encryption is Key

Let’s assume that, even with your iron-clad password skills, someone manages to find a way into your Dropbox account. You can still protect the data itself by using encryption.

The hardcore way to do this is to create an encrypted container within Dropbox by using an encryption utility such as TrueCrypt. Just follow the tutorial for creating new containers (be sure to create it within your Dropbox directory). Make sure the volume is unmounted before uploading the files to Dropbox.

If that sounds a little too crazy, simpler methods are available. Sophos, for instance, offers a free encryption tool, though you’ll have to provide the company with some basic information about yourself to start the download. The program creates a special file and handles all encryption and decryption.

Lifehacker has an even simpler method: Create an encrypted .ZIP file for any documents you want to keep safe. WinRAR has a “set password” option under the “advanced” tab when adding files to an archive.


Still worried about intruders potentially deleting your stuff? Consider backing up your data elsewhere. Windows 7 has a built-in backup utility that’s actually pretty good. If you’re ready to trust the cloud again, you can use an automatic backup service such as SugarSync or Windows Live SkyDrive.

If you’re not feeling secure after all of this, you’re either beyond help, or you’re a secret agent.